Do you remember these cool monochrome devices, geeks used to track their dentist's appointment? At that time, nobody even dreamed about iPhone and Internet was available only in desktop computers with huge CRT monitors with small screens. Yes, I mean legendary Palm Handhelds, which dominated the nineties.
The company had hard time in 00s and at one time even dropped its own operating system PalmOS to replace it with Windows Mobile in its devices! That was horrendous for all Palm fans and customers. In 2007 Palm management refused to launch net-book "Folio", which could have been the EePC of today. ASUS and others took that niche... Eventually, in 2009 Palm hired former Apple executive Jon Rubinstein and launched a "my last chance" smartphone PalmPre. Unfortunately, the candidate for an "iPhone Killer" got killed and now HP got the pioneer company in handheld computing. Lets see what the future brings.